
泰瑞莎's husband is away for business for 2 weeks.  We have been talking about staying over at hers for a night and she will cook me a nice polish meal.

泰瑞莎 lives about 20 minutes drive from my house.  She was so kind coming to pick me up and take me home the next day too.

泰瑞莎家離我家約20分鐘車程  2天又送我回家 真是謝謝她.

They live in a nice 5 bedroom house. House front.  I like these 2 trees.  前門, 很喜歡這2棵樹 記得小時候住陽明山時 常常看到這類型的樹或植物?SP_A0289.jpg SP_A0290.jpg

Dinner – roast lamb shank and pork shoulder together. Look at that pork crackling, this is only my first plate.  晚餐主菜是烤羊腿跟豬肩肉 看看那香脆ㄉ皮阿. 這只是第一盤喲SP_A0293.jpg SP_A0296.jpg

Sour cabbage with fresh green cabbage and Polish sausage, so delicious. 波蘭酸菜煮臘腸  臘腸跟酸菜真配. 看看油ㄉ呢 這樣才好吃 (這是第N盤ㄌ)

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Dessert – Snickers cake and lemon cheese cake.  Snickers cake is absolutely delicious!吃完晚餐 當然要甜點  Snickers 巧克力蛋糕和lemon (I cannot find the right 零啦) 起司蛋糕SP_A0305.jpg SP_A0304.jpg

Great food and great company – thank you 泰瑞莎 xxx



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