
Shiona 是我在英國第一ㄍ好朋友 她ㄉ兒子Jake今年5歲 嘴甜ㄉ很 會跟我説 “I love you the most”  這ㄍ周末他和daddy 去露營 Shiona早早就約我到她家過夜.

今天真熱 室外溫度30 在英國北部這是幾乎不可能 我懷疑Shionaㄉ溫度計可能熱壞掉ㄌ

躺在conservatory 看著夕陽 喝著紅酒  

Shob's conservatory

遲來ㄉ生日禮物 foot cooler and u-neck roll, both are very practical for me cos I have very sweaty feet and stiff shoulder(causing by sitting in front of the computer too long without stretching).  Shob, thank you so much for these thoughtful presents.

B day presents

2個女人聊ㄍ不停 從紅酒, 龍舌蘭酒喝到伏特加加柳丁汁   一直到一點半才罷休  Shiona loves candles so it’s not my drink on fire! 

Vodka & orange



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